Korea Foreign School Support Services: English Language Learners

One of the 21st Century School-wide Learning Expectations at Korea Foreign School is to prepare students to be effective communicators who communicate clearly and accurately in English while respecting linguistic diversity and supporting Mother Tongue language development. Korea Foreign School has a large population of students that are English Language Learners (ELL), and it is the goal of KFS to enable all these students to achieve academic excellence in learning English. There are many different tools, resources, and methods that are implemented at KFS to support these learners.

Assessment for Placement

All students who enter Korea Foreign School that speak a language other than English at home qualify for ELL Support Services. To determine which services are needed for these students, the WIDA MODEL (Measure of Developing English Language) proficiency assessment is given. This assessment measures the four language domains of Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing and gives teachers, parents, and students a better gauge of what knowledge, skills, and understanding the students possesses in the English language. Student’s are rated on a level of 1-6 in each domain and are also given an overall language proficiency score. This score helps determine language needs and if support services are necessary for student success. 

Guidelines for Enrollment in KFS’ ELL Support Services

The KFS Language Policy outlines the support services given to students, based on their WIDA MODEL language proficiency score. Guidelines are as follows: 

  • ELL Support Services consist of English Language Acquisition (ELA)  as well as in-class language support.

  • Once enrolled in KFS, new students will complete the WIDA MODEL (Measure of Developing English Language). 

    • Based on WIDA MODEL scores as well as teacher and parent feedback, students in the PYP and Secondary may be enrolled to receive ELL Support Services at an additional cost to the parents. 

    • The Guidelines for Enrollment in KFS’ ELL Support Services are used to determine which type of ELL Support Services PYP and Secondary students require.

  • All students enrolled at KFS complete the WIDA MODEL (Measure of Developing English Language) at least once per year to determine language needs. 

    • If enrolled in ELL Support Services, students will be re-tested using the WIDA MODEL at least once per semester to determine language growth. Depending on WIDA test results, enrollment will be adjusted as necessary. 

  • If students are receiving ELL Support Services, schedules will be adjusted as necessary based on student language needs.

  • PYP ELL courses consist of two types of classes, Listening and Speaking, and Literacy (reading and writing). 

  • Students enrolled in English Support Services may not receive a score for grade level classes and will only receive narrative feedback until they are proficient enough in the language of instruction to access the curriculum at grade level. 

  • Secondary students who are enrolled in the Secondary ELL course will audit English Language and Literature until they can access the curriculum.

    • Once students are able to access the English curriculum and Secondary Objectives at an achievement level of 3 or higher, students will no longer be auditing the class and will begin receiving a grade for the class. 

  • Secondary students who are enrolled in ELL Support Services are required to support their mother tongue by choosing option A, B, or C from Mother Tongue section above.

    • Families must inform the school of their chosen option providing evidence of support.