Accreditations & Affiliations

Korea Foreign School is registered with the Ministry of Education of Korea and is officially recognized as a foreign school. Korea Foreign School is fully accredited by one of the world’s leading accreditation organizations: the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), based in the USA. Accreditation is the recognition of an educational institution based on specific standards. This accreditation is evidence of our commitment to academic excellence. The high standards set by WASC Accreditations ensure that KFS able to attract and retain professional and dedicated teachers.

Korea  Foreign  School is an IB World School, authorized by International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP) as well as a Cambridge International School, authorized by Cambridge Assessment International Education. KFS offers the Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) Diploma Program for high school students.

KFS is an affiliated member of the East Asia Regional Council for Overseas Schools (EARCOS), and the Korea Council of Overseas Schools (KORCOS).

KFS is a member of the WIDA International School Consortium, which uses WIDA’s research-based standards and assessments. KFS is also a partner with the  NWEA and MAP Growth test.